Human Design
| the exploration of you |

From the moment we are born,
we move through school,
we progress through work,
diligently following life paths...

Whose path are we following?

We follow rules on how to live,
instead of how to be.

We are told what is right,
instead of how to feel and TRUST in our own truth.

We are taught how to learn,
instead of creating our wisdom.

Let’s dissolve this disconnect.

Alignment is so much easier to create when you understand yourself and those around you.

Human Design offers such coherence.

Human Design is a system
based on your exact time,
date and place of birth.

Synthesising philosophies of astrology, the I-ching, human energetics, neuroscience and quantum physics, Human Design allows you to explore your physical body’s innate wisdom
and your conscious sense of purpose.

A Human Design chart maps out your genetic design; showing you
how to live as your true self.

Jess has the ability to translate your chart in a powerful way, bringing your best qualities to the surface and showing you where you might lift yourself out from behind any subconscious blocks.

We all have our own life path to explore.
It can become clearer with a navigational tool.

Your unique body graph might be just the map you are looking for….

Jess loves to take clients on a journey, introducing them to Human Design.

In your expansive 75-90 minute zoom session - Jess will take you through her findings from her exploration of your Human Design body graph, uncovering your unique gifts and talents.

This session will include:

A practical interpretation of your energy type, profile lines (strategies for how you innately move through life) - Jess explains the subtleties of your interactions with family, friends or colleagues.

She will empower you on your personal decision making authority. HOW you are designed to make decisions, and PROGRESS in life, career, relationship etc.

You may also wish to look at your partner’s/children’s charts (with their permission) which gives a great insight as to how YOU BEST THRIVE in your day to day living.

It’s amazing how in just over an hour you will better understand yourself and those around you.

Online/in person HD readings - £165

What People Are Saying


“As I was a newbie to Human Design, Jessica structured the most insightful reading. It was deeply moving and personal in ALL the good ways. I cried, I laughed, and afterwards I could breathe.

Her knowledge and understanding has helped me in countless ways with many aspects of life and resonates with me on a daily basis.

I finally came to peace with who I am.”

— Charlotte 6/3 Reflector

“What Jess does is way more kinetic than guidance - she literally bumps you, in a good way…a fantastic way!

It’s like she moved me with her insights, and the magic of her is that it was all in a enlightened direction.”

— Erik 1/3 Manifestor

“Jess is so calm and gentle in her observations, yet her sessions provide impact and will powerfully pull you back into the flow of your one wild and precious life.

She reunites you with yourself.”

— Rebecca 4/6 Projector


  • Jess is highly intuitive and insightful - this won’t be a text book analysis of your birth chart, rather an empowering weaving of your innate gifts and talents to give clarity in specific areas of life - you can let Jess know where you are looking to thrive.

  • Yes! Jess is British, so as long as you speak English we can look at your time zone to find a session that suits.

  • Jess loves to weave Astrology and Human Design together - by providing your birth details she will automatically bring up both your Human Design and Astrology charts.

  • In order to generate your unique Human Design chart Jess will require your time, date and place of birth.

    There is no easy answer here. Time of birth is required for an in depth reading… there are ways of doing an introductory reading without the specific time. Please email Jess here to discuss.